How to create sculptures and 3D objects?

This feature is active by default for paid accounts. Please contact support to unlock 3D sculptures if you want to test it with a free STARTER account.

Kunstmatrix provides two options for displaying sculptural works in your galleries:

1 - Billboard
with one or more png file(s) with transparent background, 


2 - Full 3D sculptures
with 1 glb or gltf file optimized and scaled to our galleries' proportions.

In our 'Birds' example exhibition, you can compare the two methods
Please explore a 3D sculpture exhibition about 'Animals', made with full 3D models.

Method 1 - Billboards:

The image(s) will always face the visitor and create a 3D-like impression, although they are "only" 2D photos. 

SIMPLE: You can achieve this effect with a single photograph after removing the background to transparency. Online background removers such as work well for this task.

ADVANCED: Use photos of the sculpture from multiple angles. They should be from the same height and distance. Their background needs to be removed and the images saved as PNG files with transparency. Then name them according to the angle from which they should be viewed, for example 0001_sculpture_big.png (frontal view), 0180_sculpture_big.png (view from the back), ... .


(1) - Upload a 'cover image' for the sculpture 
(2) - Go to the'sculpture' tab
(3) - There, set the type to 'Billboard'
(4) - Upload the above mentioned, background-free photo(s) in the 'Billboard Textures' field
(5) - optional: select a pedestal/plinth for the sculpture 

How to create a billboard

Please also have a look at our detailed information on Billboards.

Method 2 - Full 3D:

You need a 3d model of the artwork. The objects must be scaled to real dimensions (1:1, unit is "meter") and the placed at the 0,0,0 point of the file.

Please note: Test your model beforehand in the sandbox
It won't work in Kunstmatrix if it doesn't work here:


(1) - Upload a "title" image for the sculpture (for catalogues, etc.)
(2) - Go to the'sculpture' tab
(3) - There, set the type to 3D model
(4) - upload the above-mentioned model in the "GEOMETRY" field 
(5) - optional: select a pedestal/plinth for the sculpture 

How to create a sculpture

Please also have a look at  our tutorial with more detailed information on 3D Sculptures.


Your 3D model file should either be modeled with a 3d program (preferred) or created via photogrammetry or a laser scan and then optimized for web (low polygon count, small file size). 
About 3D files: - preferred file formats: glb (or obj+mtl) 

  • file size: optimal 2-3MB; maximal (but not recommended): ~20-30MB, max. 100k faces 
  • objects must be scaled to real dimensions (1:1, unit is "meter") and the placed at the 0,0,0 point of the file 
  • if you use obj (not recommended): please keep all paths in the obj and mtl local (same folder), don't let them point to other places, since they will not be available when uploaded 

Placing sculptures into the exhibition

  1. Drop the sculpture onto a placeholder on walls or floor
  2. move it with the arrow-handles across the room or up/down
  3. for full 3D only: rotate: press "r" key 
    to transform (move): press "t" key again
How to place sculptures

Please note: As long as you are in "Detail View" modus of a sculpture, you can place other artworks. Close it with the "X" on the left.

Some things to check if your sculpture doesn´t show up at all or looks unexpected:

  • Did you enter dimensions in the height, width and depth fields? Its recommended to have values that fit to the 3D model or aspect ratio of the billboard texture
  • Does your 3D model have proper materials? Sometimes, meshes without any material aren´t displayed at all
  • Does the 3D model have a real life size (1 unit = 1 meter)? Meshes that are huge (100+ meters) or very little (> 1cm) might not be visible at all.

Further links: